Sunday, May 18, 2008

Singing the Blues

It seems that we're all feeling "the blues" this week. Dennis and I are more tired than normal. Things are harder to remember and find. We seem to be a little more emotional about issues. Johane is showing signs of stress. She's hollering out in her sleep again. She holds me very, very tight every morning and every night before bed. She has never been a clinger, but I think she's filling up before going home. She has spontaneously told me that "I love you". Her little ti bo's (kisses) are now on the mouth instead of the cheek.

She's spending some special time with Deb this weekend, getting filled up with her love. Deb and I shared a few tears talking about Johanes return to Haiti. Deb has the priveledge of going to see her in June. That is helping her with her sadness.

Tomorrow is her last Sunday at Church. She'll have the chance to say good-by to all of her friends. Tomorrow we'll pack up most of her least those we can fit into our cases.
On Monday we'll say some last good-byes to special friends and then head down to Detroit and stay overnight for a bright and early flight in the AM on tuesday.

Keep us in your prayers. We need all the help we can get to complete this journey.
Thank-you for sharing with us with your prayers, your heart, your time and your love.
We are well aware that we have never been alone on this journey but have been held in the palm of the Lord's hand. We also know that we have been held there by the prayers of the
May God Bless you. Cynthia and Johane

Monday, May 12, 2008

May 13, 2008

Seven days and counting
Johane is getting excited and so are we. Please continue to pray that God will prepare the way to return her to her family.
She is asking if certain things can go to Haiti with her. Her beloved basketball from Russ will be deflated and reinflated when we get to Haiti. The bicycle will have to stay in america. Her dolls, jump ropes and books will go along. We will do our best to send as much as we can.
Can't you just picture American airlines with an "OU HAUL" attached to the back? (OU is creole for you)
I can...and it starts a fit of giggles every time I do. It is a week of sorting and getting things together. It is also a time of making choices. Its tough to be nine.
Her english has sky-rocketed this past month. It's getting quite good. If you speak to her in creole...she will answer in english. We have to remind her to speak creole to her family on the phone. (silly goose). She gets frustrated that they don't seem to understand her.
She floored us all by stating very clearly this sunday, "I AM coming back.....I AM COMING BACK TO papa Joel says so."
She's a determined little thing...she probably will.
She came to visit me at work and took off my stethescope and placed it around her neck and declared...."me, Doktor are you today?" God bless her dreams and ambitions.
The travel warnings are still quite severe, the embassy employees have a dark to dawn curfew, but things are better than they were in April. We will continue to pray and monitor the situation.
Please pray for our safe travel and a peaceful reintegration for Johane and her family.
God bless your week. Cynthia and Johane

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More Journey's of Johane

The Response of God's People
Thank-you to everyone who remembered to send a birthday card or note of encouragement to Johane. She has been thrilled with the mail. Two classes from Holy Cross Lutheran school sent her home made cards and blessed her socks off.
Please feel free to continue to drop her a note of encouragement. It means so much to her to find mail in the mailbox with her name on it. There is NO Mail system in haiti that has any reliability. She will not be able to send me letters or receive mail from me once she returns home except through mission trips.

A Busy Week
It's been a busy week for her. She got to attend 3rd grade with a friend, attend lessons, ate lunch at school and rode home on an American school bus.
She got to play a steel drum and a harp. Thank-you to Norine.
She spent the weekend up north near MIO and got to ride a four wheeler, fish from a canoe and learn how to play pool.
She marched in a parade, and threw candy to children. She attended another Loons game and filled up on popcorn. She got to play at Chuck e cheese with friends.

A Bike of My Own
Thank the Lord for garage sales. I was able to find a child's bike and helmet for less than $15.00. She has had a wonderful time riding up and down the street. She is so proud of herself. She couldn't ride a bike before she came to America. She can now. She knows that this is her bike for in America and that it cannot be shipped to Haiti. She seems very content with that. What a blessing she is.

A Lost Tooth
Her right lower canine has been loose for over two months. It finally got loose enough for her to pull out. She took her pink dental gloves along with her when she went out of town with Deb, just in case.
She felt it was loose enough so went into the bathroom and just gave it a good pull. Happy was out!
In throw the tooth on your roof and the rats come and take it away and you get a brand new tooth in your mouth. In put it under your pillow or in the bookcase headboard (if you are skittish) and in the morning the tooth is gone and surprise!!! There in it's place is a $5.00 bill! (But only if you happen to be with Deb).

Prayers are needed
Please ask God to prepare the way for our return to Haiti on May 20th. We hope to return Johane to her family. I will be caring for the children in the orphanage, school and families of the workers. I will be leading a small parents team, so please pray for our safety and God's will to be done.
Johane is aware of the trip. She isn't showing the excitement of the first go-around, but that is understandable since we had to postpone because of the unrest and rioting. I remind her that we have to pray that God will make it safe and OK for us to return this time. So please pray with us that she may return safely to her family. Thank-you for your prayers on our behalf. God bless your week. Cynthia